Eastern Line
Eastern Line is a showcase of young, independent theatre from Central and Eastern Europe, bringing together diverse theatrical languages and companies. The festival builds on the idea of ‘third theatre’, put forth by Eugenio Barba, which is critical of both institutional theatre and the avant-gardes of the past. Eastern Line is intended to act as a bulwark against a culture focused on shallow spectacle. The section will showcase CHOREA Theatre, Teatr Porywacze Ciał, Kana Theatre, Song of the Goat Theatre, Teatr ZAR (Poland), Farm in the Cave (Czech Republic), ProFitArt (Czech Republic), Zero Point Theatre Group (Greece) and PLAVO Theatre (Serbia). It will also present premieres by Studium Teatralne (Poland) and Nini Julia Bang (Denmark). Eastern Line runs from 7 to 13 November.
Tickets and free brochures are available at Barbara, our Festival Centre.