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Graziano Graziani: ‘Santa Medea, migrante e martire. Il nuovo lavoro di Teatr ZAR’ — 24.03.2017

«Medee» è uno spettacolo evocativo, che riesce a scalfire la scorza di durezza, a tratti di indifferenza, con cui ci difendiamo dal continuo assalto di immagini sconvolgenti che ci giungono dai giornali (all’inizio del lavoro ci accoglie ad esempio l’immagine di Omran Daqneesh, il bambino di cinque anni ferito ad Aleppo e coperto di detriti; immagine che ha fatto il giro del mondo).
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Renan Ji: ‘O Evangelho segundo Pippo Delbono’ — 08.02.2017

Dentre as pessoas com quem pude conversar, a sensação de desconcerto era quase a mesma. Para plateias europeias, não é novidade o caráter ousado do trabalho de Pippo Delbono, seja no cinema, seja no teatro; porém foram muitos os que saíram anestesiados da obra mais recente do artista e de sua companhia teatral.
Read article: Questão de Crítica – Revista eletrônica de críticas e estudos teatrais

Jim O’Quinn: ‘Nationalism and Its Discontents at Wrocław’s Theatre Olympics’ — 15.12.2016

So how did the questionable art of theatre rise once again to such prominence in Wrocław’s big capital-of-culture celebration? The credit goes in no small part to Jarosƚaw Fret, the 45-year-old director of the city’s Grotowski Institute and founder and leader of the innovative Teatr ZAR. As curator of theatre, Fret served on the Olympics committee with the likes of Tadashi Suzuki, Robert Wilson, and Wole Soyinka, and had the final say on stage programming. Two of Fret’s own works, the masterful Armine: Sister, a metaphoric meditation on the Armenian genocide of the 1920s, and a more compact new work drawn from Euripides, Medee, On Getting Across, were festival highlights.
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Jászay Tamás: ‘A tegnap színháza’ — 12.12.2016

Öt nap alatt öt előadás elsőre nem hangzik éppen elviselhetetlennek. A Színházi Olimpiában az jelenti az igazi kihívást, hogy ilyen rövid idő alatt is kap az ember bőven hideget-meleget.
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Marie Sorbier: ‘Theatre Olympics, le standard idéal’ — 30.11.2016

Le festival Theatre Olympics est exceptionnel à plus d’un titre. Ici a lieu le G20 du théâtre mondial ! Après notamment Delphes, Shizuoka, Moscou, Séoul et Pékin, la grande célébration du théâtre a pris corps en Pologne à l’automne.
Read article: La gazette des festivals, No. 46

Anne Middelboe Christensen: ‘Dramaet om den europæiske baby’ — 28.10.2016

Mødres ret til deres egne børn – og mødres ret til at tage livet af deres egne børn – er et af temaerne under ’7th Theatre Olympics’ i Wroclaw. Med den polske instruktør Jaroslaw Frets ’Medea’ som en nutidig flygtningekommentar – og den italienske Romeo Castelluccis ’Go Down, Moses’ som en af årtiets mest sansebegavede og mystificerende kvindeforestillinger.
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Irina Korneeva: ‘Maskarad Buduschego’ (Masquerade of the Future) — 27.10.2016

Read article: Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Federalny Vypusk, No. 7133 (245)
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Carlos Gil: ‘En Wroclaw confluyen Capitalidad y Olimpiada Teatral’ — 23.10.2016

La ciudad polaca de Wroclaw ha fundido actos de la Capitalidad Europea de la Cultura que comparte con Donostia con la VII Olimpiada Teatral que concentra a los Grandes Maestros de la escena actual.
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Daria Ganieva: ‘Olimpijskie Igry na Scenie’ — 19.10.2016

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Anna Bandettini: ‘Con 'The tree' l'Odin Teatret racconta la guerra’ — 1.10.2016

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‘Theatrical rebellion against... theatre’, conversation between Martyna Kasprzak and Eugenio Barba — September 2016

"On the one hand, I create a professional theatre workshop, and on the other – I attempt to implement a model of community, which can be an example of a different way of life and functioning in teh world" – says the famous director Eugenio Barba, who in the 1960s was Jerzy Grotowski's assistant.
Download article: Newspaper of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016, No. 5, the full interwiev will be published in October in Didaskalia theatre magazine

‘Inside Grotowski's World’, conversation between Krzysztof Domagalik and Peter Brook — September 2016

"Grotowski's work on the one hand was in the area of theatre, and on the other – in what he himself currently calls art, i.e. art as vehicle" – the legendary director Peter Brook talks about his meetings with Ryszard Cieślak and Jerzy Grotowski and his vision of theatre.
Download article: Newspaper of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016, No. 5, in: Peter Brook: With Grotowski. Theatre is Just a Form, edited by Paul Allain, Georges Banu and Grzegorz Ziółkowski, prepared by Grzegorz Ziółkowski, The Grotowski Institute, Wrocław 2015

‘Masters will show that theatre is a place of truth, and the world should be one too’, conversation between Grzegorz Chojnowski and Jarosław Fret — September 2016

This title is already present in the activities of the Grotowski Institute. It was the motto of a festival we organized in 2009, the Year of Grotowski, and of a series of master residencies. It is a part of a quote from one of Jerzy Grotowski's books: "The worls ahould be a place of truth". The culmination of the text is a philosophical thought of the author that we are born to the world, a place of truth, be tested. I have perversely selected this title to suggest that something as unreal as art – including theatre, often perceived as the art of illusion – is indeed the place of truth, and the world should "only now" become one.
Download article: Newspaper of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016, No. 5

Theodoros Terzopoulos: ‘Theatre Olympics in Wrocław for freedom and the richness of cultures’ — September 2016

We live in a network society where the notion of human contact and communication has been drasticly redefined. Telecommunication and the Internet are the foreground. National cultures have been included into the digital circulation and they're threatened with loss of identity.
Download article: Newspaper of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016, No. 5