Zero Point Theatre Group

photo Antonia Canta
Zero Point Theatre Group, created in 2008, takes a modern approach to working with the ancient classics and modern canonical texts, based on research into the performer’s craft. All of its performers undergo intense psychophysical training inspired by the working method of Theodoros Terzopoulos and Attis Theatre. The company has so far staged: Kafka’s In The Penal Colony (2009, 2014 for the Athens Festival), Shakespeare’s As You Like It (2010), Camus’ The Justs (2011–2012), Kafka’s Metamorphosis (2012–2013), Büchner’s Woyzeck (2013, 2015), and Zamiatin’s We (2015). They are currently working on Heiner Müller’s The Mission. Zero Point Theatre Group has worked and performed in the New Space of Attis Theatre since 2013.