Tomasz Kubikowski

photo Edyta Kubikowska
Tomasz Kubikowski is a theatre and performance studies scholar, Professor at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw and Literary Director of the National Theatre in Warsaw. His has authored a number of books, including Siedem bytów teatralnych (The Seven Theatre Beings, 1994), Reguła Nibelunga (The Nibelung Principle, 2004), Teatralne doświadczenie Wilhelma Meistra (Wilhelm Meister’s Theatrical Experience, 2014), Przeżyć na scenie (Surviving On Stage, 2015), as well as reviews and essays in journals and collected volumes. He has translated books by Richard Schechner and Jon McKenzi. Together with Edyta Kubikowska, he co-edited Zbigniew Raszewski’s Raptularz (Diary, 2005).