
Marcin Kościelniak


Marcin Kościelniak is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Theatre and Drama of the Jagiellonian University and deputy editor-in-chief of Didaskalia magazine. In 2006–2016, he contributed reviews to Tygodnik Powszechny weekly. His work has been published in Teksty Drugie, Dialog, Notatnik Teatralny, Theater der Zeit. His books include: „Młodzi niezdolni” i inne teksty o twórcach współczesnego teatru (2014; Young Untalent and Other Pieces about Contemporary Theatre Makers), Prawie ludzkie, prawie moje. Teatr Helmuta Kajzara (2012; Almost Human, Almost Mine: Helmut Kajzar’s Theatre) and a collection of Helmut Kajzar’s writings, Koniec półświni. Wybrane utwory i teksty o teatrze (2012; The End of the Half-Swine: Selected Pieces and Texts about Theatre). He has co-edited the volumes 20-lecie. Teatr polski po 1989 (2010; 20th Anniversary: Polish Theatre after 1989; with Dorota Jarząbek and Grzegorz Niziołek) and 1968/PRL/TEATR (2016; 1968/People’s Republic of Poland/THEATRE; with Agata Adamiecka-Sitek and Grzegorz Niziołek).