Małgorzata Jabłońska

Małgorzata Jabłońska, photo Izabella Górska

photo Izabella Górska

Małgorzata Jabłońska is a theatre researcher. Her areas of interest include the history and problems of actor training, and body-based non-verbal communication strategies in the theatre and in social life. She is currently writing her PhD dissertation on Ku dramaturgii ciała. Wpływ biomechaniki Wsiewołoda Emiliewicza Meyerholda na koncepcje treningu aktorskiego w teatrze europejskim XX wieku at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków. In 2013, she organised the international conference Vsevolod Meyerhold’s Theatre Practice at the Grotowski Institute, Wrocław. Her articles have appeared in Lektury dramatyczności. Eseje z dramatologii (Drama Reading: Essays on Drama Studies) and Didaskalia theatre journal. Małgorzata is a founding member of the CHOREA Theatre Association. She co-authored the book Trening fizyczny aktora. Od działań indywidualnych do zespołu (2015). Since 2007 she has been running practice-as-research workshops at the Jagiellonian University and the Institute of Polish Culture of the University of Warsaw. She has collaborated with Teatr Próg and Studio Matejka. She works as a co-ordinator of research projects at the Grotowski Institute.