Magdalena Mądra

photo Grzegorz Smołucha
Magdalena Mądra graduated in Polish studies and cultural studies from the University of Wrocław, Poland. In her unfinished PhD theses (which she undertook at the University of Wrocław and at the Performance Studies Department of the Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University), she examined sources dealing with Jerzy Grotowski’s paratheatrical period, and the work of the Laboratory Theatre from the perspective of gender studies. She has co-ordinated the following events at the Grotowski Institute: Tadeusz Różewicz Archipelago Festival, the conference Performance Studies and Beyond (2006) and the VoicEncounters practical seminars (2010–2016). She has been Teatr ZAR’s manager since 2004. Magdalena Mądra is a photographer. She graduated from the Kwadrat International School of Photography in Wrocław. Her work has appeared in a number of group and solo shows. Her photographs from the expeditions undertaken as part of Teatr ZAR’s Armine, Sister project have been on view in Wrocław, Łódź, Warsaw, London, Paris and Oslo. She has collaborated with Faito Doc Festival, Italy. Magdalena maintains a photoblog at