Ilê Axé Opô Ajagunã


fot. Magdalena Mądra

Founded in 1980 by priest Aristides de Oliveira Mascarenhas, Ilê Axé Opô Ajagunã, Bahia, Salvador, is one of the best known Ketu Candomblé temples (terreiros) in Brazil. Ajagunã is one of the younger names given to the temple during Candomblé rituals by Oxalá, the god of mercy and purity. The temple, situated in the municipality of Areia Branca in Lauro de Freitas, continues the tradition of the oldest and most important temples in Areia Branca, alongside Ilê Axé Opô Aganjú and Ilê Axé Opô Afonjá. In addition to its religious role, Ajagunã’s mission includes dialogue with the local community in partnership with Areia Branca authorities, and involvement in multiple outreach programmes for families and schools. In 2005, the State of Bahia declared the temple a cultural heritage site.