Agnieszka Jakimiak

photo Mateusz Atman
Agnieszka Jakimiak is a playwright, dramaturg and essayist. She completed Inter-Faculty Humanistic Studies at the University of Warsaw. She studied dramaturgy at the Faculty of Directing of the PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków. Jakimiak is a theatre and film critic, winner of the Grand Prix in the Krzysztof Mętrak Award Competition. She has published texts in Res Publica, Dwutygodnik, Didaskalia, and Kino. She worked as a dramaturg and writer with director Weronika Szczawińska, including on Geniusz w golfie, Jak być kochaną, Re//mix Zamkow: 2 albo 3 rzeczy, które o niej wiem. Together with Goran Injac and Joanna Wichowska, she collaborated as a dramaturg with Oliver Frljić on Nie-boska komedia. Szczątki and Nie-boska komedia. Wyznanie. She was a dramaturg for Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s play Blood on the Cat’s Neck directed by Anja Susa at the Polski Theatre in Bydgoszcz.Jakimiak also co-created an interdisciplinary project called Usland. Śladami Leonarda Z., presented during the Kultursymposium in Weimar and during the Theatre Confrontations in Lublin. She attended the Playwrights’ Forum at the New Plays from Europe Festival in Wiesbaden. She worked as a dramaturg at the Polski Theatre in Bydgoszcz in 2014–2015.