
Main Section

14 października – 13 listopada 2016

Among the artists invited to present their work as part of the Main Section are: Eugenio Barba, Peter Brook, Romeo Castellucci, Pippo Delbono, Jan Fabre, Valery Fokin, Heiner Goebbels, Liu Libin, Krystian Lupa, Eimuntas Nekrošius, Tadashi Suzuki, Theodoros Terzopoulos and Robert Wilson. They will bring to Wrocław both acclaimed work as well as premiere performances and co-productions created especially for the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016. The Main Section will feature 17 theatre productions with performances spread over four weeks as part of an autumn season. In addition, invited directors will give talks on their artistic credos and take part in conversations with researchers, co-creators and artists from Poland and abroad, discussing the ideas that drive their work, as part of The Truth and Nothing but the Truth series.

As well as theatre, the Main Section will feature: the series of discussions Landscape Now exploring the ideas that have propelled the theatre of the 20th and early 21st centuries, programmed by Prof Maria Shevtsova, Prof Dariusz Kosiński and Prof Georges Banu; a series of discussions on the great figures and traditions of 20th-century theatre, The Meyerhold Era, with participants including Valery Fokin; the dialogue The Five Continents of the Theatre between Eugenio Barba and Nicola Savarese; and discussions on Heiner Müller and on Theodoros Terzopoulos’s book Powrót Dionizosa (The Return of Dionysus). As one of the aims of the Theatre Olympics is to foster dialogue between generations, the festival will also present workshops for actors and directors, as well as a workshop for emerging Polish and international theatre critics, run in partnership with the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC).

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