Ana Madureira

photo Magdalena Mądra
Ana Madureira (born 1980, Portugal) after completing her law studies with a Master’s degree, during which she had been a member of the university theatre group CITAC, she joined the theatre company Circolando, in Porto, in which she worked for over five years. As an autodidact, she developed her skills in music, illustration and writing. During her two years living in Holland she sang and composed with the musical collective Gudubik. She took part in three residencies of the project Song of Songs, directed by Sergey Kovalevich and Natalka Polovynka, which marked a turning point in her understanding of singing and performing. Later, she spent two years in Lisbon, where she integrated c.e.m – centro em movimento, a research centre on body and movement. She worked with Sofia Neuparth and various other artists and researchers. She initiated several community-based projects, including Noveloteca, upon invitation of Madalena Victorino, in Lisbon, and Guia-me, in Porto. She joined Clown Laboratori Porto, where she started experimenting within the art of clown and improvisation theatre. With Pedro Fabião and Jaime Mears, she co-created CabraCega, a solo play which she performed in Portugal, Cape Verde, France and Brazil between 2012 and 2014. In 2013 she co-created the duet Lav Lur with Vahan Kerovpyan. In 2016, she created Dama Pé de Mim, a solo play for children produced by theatre company Comédias do Minho. She regularly leads workshops both for actors and non-actors, which aim at liberating the creative spontaneity, the ridiculous, and the pleasure of being on stage.